Category: Exhibitions

Igor Lekšić
July 17 -22, 2018.
PM Gallery



DRAWINGS solo exhibition of Igor Lekšić opens on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 8pm at the PM Gallery of the Home of the Croatian Association of Artists.

Igor Lekšić’s drawings on paper draw on the long tradition and continuity of the development of geometric abstraction in the history of visual arts, from Malevich’s Suprematism, Mondrian’s neoplasticism, Theo van Doesburg, Max Bill, Victor Vasarely, Richard Paul Lohse, all the way to Croatian artists gathered around the Exat 51 group, especially Ivan Picelj, as well as Juraj Dobrović, Julije Knifer and others.

Over the years, Lekšić has experimented with various forms of geometric abstraction; ranging from monochrome geometric solids in space to an earlier series of drawings of modular structures, of pronounced colours and smaller dimensions, from which the exhibited Drawings emerged. The exhibition features works of larger dimensions created between 2016 and 2018. The artist does not give names to individual works, but unifies them under a common name of Drawings, by which he emphasizes their nature and drawing medium. He created them by meticulously drawing horizontal and vertical line strokes using fluorescent felt tip pens (marker pens) on paper, in a precise scale and relationships, and at regular intervals, following an organized spatial-raster grid. A uniform pressure of the pen on the paper and suggestion of perfectionism of machine printing resulted in the absence of any narration, description and subjectivity in the work. Closed construction prevents any verbal involvement with the visual structure of the work, the result of which is silence. Long ago, this was defined by the American theorist Rosalind E. Krauss in her analysis of the notion of structural grid (Malevich, Mondrian).

What is important for Igor Lekšić’s geometric abstraction is the artist’s authentic methodological approach where the issue of elaboration of a visual image refers to the structural composition of the grid. The artist bases his theory of geometric abstraction on the idea of using mathematically elaborate method by which he explores the differences between the resulting permutations. Drawings arise from a pre-defined working methodology, whereas the basic idea is the existence of a non-exhaustive number of visual changes arising from a pre-defined and controlled implementation process.

There are two basic and central ideas to constructing the form. First, there is a previously elaborated, mathematically precise, rhythmically structured framework, which functions as a structural and optical unit. The exactness of Drawings arises from the predefined parameters of the grid, which are repeated from drawing to drawing like a matrix, replicating the same pattern of spatial grid. On the other hand, the optical shift is emphasized by the choice and change of colours. In terms of composition, each drawing is divided into three horizontal segments in which the parts of transparent rectangular structural grid differ in colour, luminosity and density of linear strokes. At the same time these segments are the central bearers of optical perceptive relations. When referring to his work, the artist emphasizes his concentration on performance, as well as precision that excludes spontaneity and chance, especially because “paper“ does not tolerate “mistakes and corrections“.

Nadežda Elezović

Igor Lekšić – Biography

Suported by:

Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 AM – 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays

Trg žrtava fašizma 16
10000 Zagreb

Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
July 5 – July 22, 2018

Opening of the exhibition: Thursday, July 5 at 8pm at the Home of HDLU

Exhibition Forensic folklore: The Archipelago, by Kristian Kožul will be opened on Thursday, July 5 at 8pm at the Home of HDLU (Trg žrtava fašizma 16).

The exhibition in the Bačva Gallery is a continuation of a series of works started at Gallery Galženica with the exhibition “Forensic Perpetuality”. Works in the exhibition further elaborate forensic fantasy as an integral part of modern folklore. The setup will include a hybrid installation consisting of independent “clusters” of objects, creating a nonlinear narrative in the circular space of the Bačva Gallery.


Supported by:


Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 AM – 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays.

The exhibition will remain open until July 22, 2018

Karas Gallery
July 3 – July 15, 2018

Opening of the exhibition: Tuesday, July 3 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery

Exhibition NEVIDLJIVOST / ONZICHTBAARHEID, by Luka Stojnić will be opened on Tuesday, July 3 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery (Zvonimirova 58).

“What lies beyond the horizon as promise for a better tomorrow? What God can we expect to find when descending all the way back to Byzantium, only to learn about his disappearance by (re)presentation?

At the intersection between hope and dismay, Luka Stojnic is offering us a new possibility for re-connecting with the nature (of things) on our own terms, by outlining an in-between space. A possibility for understanding and transformation not remote neither simulated, but available here and now, residing in the interval between the manifestation of the unconsciousness as an emotional act, and the perpetuation of the illusion of understanding as a (self)reflection.

Between the future (horizon as emotion) and the past (history as image proliferation), the only productive option left for grasping the world seems to be acknowledging and embracing the NOW as the real realm – the best place to learn how we can live a fulfilled and meaningful life with ourselves. All we have to do is just to taste a banana.”

From preface, written by Serban Cornea, Copenhagen – Zagreb 2018


About the artist


Supported by:


Working hours:

Wednesday and Friday: 9am to 3pm | Thursday: 3pm to 7pm | Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 12am
Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.

The exhibition will remain open until July 13, 2018

(In)Constancy of Space – Spaces of Narration and Imagination
July  5 – 22, 2018
Prsten Gallery

Curators: Vanja Babić, Neva Lukić
Film Programme Selector: Ivan Paić


(In)Constancy of Space – Spaces of Narration and Imagination group international exhibition opens at the Prsten Gallery, Home of the Croatian Association of Artists on Thursday, 5 July 2018, at 20:00 h.

Read more ...

Karas Gallery
June 5 – June 17, 2018

Opening of the exhibition: Tuesday, June 5 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery

Exhibition Traps, by Marija Ančić will be opened on Tuesday, June 5 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery (Zvonimirova 58).

“In my work, I deal with personal issues, my own problems and the question of identity. I try to express negative emotions: fear, anxiety, lack of confidence, etc. through drawings or animation – GIF. GIF is an interesting medium because its main feature is the infinite repetition – the loop, and the states I’m talking about are also running in circles, in repeated cycles. In addition, GIF is a format that is present in modern communication because it transmits emotions quickly and easily. In that I recognized a medium for reflection and exploration. So I take one action and animate it to form a loop. The endless repetition at first glance makes this frightening and morbid act absurd, giving it a humorous aspect. These actions are exaggerated and overdramatic, as I try to illustrate this elusive moment of fear, which is terrible and paralyzing at one moment, and already funny in the next. At the same time this repetition turns act into a state, my characters exist in these impossible and permanent spaces and somehow persist, survive.

The trap is, in it’s nature, a catching and capturing device, whether it is a hidden trap, bait, or a fraud, the victim does not know that it fell into it until it is too late. My traps are exaggerated caricatures like traps from cartoons, movies and pop culture (a huge bear trap, a secret door in the floor and muck) and they represent the feeling of anxiety, insecurity, imprisonment, alienation. The effect created by the loop is a surreal situation in which the character is in the trap forever, without the possibility to get out of it, however, it is aware of the traps and its dangers and successfully avoids it. The trap is in a similar position because despite the infinite attempts, it fails to fulfill its function. The trap and the character reached a stalemate, an unusual symbiosis.”

Marija Ančić


Marija Ančić was born in Sarajevo. She graduated Conservation-Restoration from Academy of Arts in Split, in 2005 and Sculpture in 2010. Besides four solo exhibitions, she participated on different group exhibitions and festivals in Croatia and abroad. She was the finalist of Radoslav Putar Award in 2016. She lives and works in Zagreb.

Karas Gallery program is financially supported by The Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU).



Working hours:

Wednesday and Friday: 9am to 3pm | Thursday: 3pm to 7pm | Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 12am
Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.

The exhibition will remain open until June 17, 2018

Opening, May 24, 2018, at 7pm (Home of HDLU)


The 34th YOUTH SALON – PANOPTICON, developed around the concept by Mirna Rul, will open on Thursday, May 24, 2018, at 7.00 PM in the Home of Croatian Fine Artists on Trg žrtava fašizma 16.

The exhibition will remain open until June 26, 2018.

We prepared rich side program at the opening as well as music (from 20:30) performed by Martina Gucić (Mapalma), a producer and DJ from Zagreb.

She is a DJ and producer from Zagreb making beats since 2010. She has performed with Cakes da Killa, Palmistry and Elysiu Crampton; her mixes could be heard on popular NTS Radio (for Classical Trax) and Rinse FM (for MAJIA radio). She has also made one of the first mixers for the SISTER collective. She defined her recognizable sound on a debut EP, released at the end of 2017 for the Vienna label Ashida Park. Her “Nightcap” EP could be described, in the widest sense, as an experimental club music inspired by grime, r&b, baile funk, dancehall, ballroom and reggaeton.

More about the concept of 34th Youth Salon read here.


24.5.2018. 12:00 (Galerija Šira, Preradovićeva 13, Zagreb)

Opening of the exhibition Venientes those to come

25.5. Reli po galerijama 17:00 / 17:30

exhibition tour with the curator of the Salon, Mirna Rul

5.6. 2018. 18:00 (Club HDLU)

lecture by Tihana Puc – Youth Salon Cartography: award-winning Artists Network

In the Club HDLU, for the entire duration of the Salon, you can see the interactive installation Youth Salon Cartography: award-winning Artists Network – a continuous project of collecting data about female and male artists who were awarded between 1968 and 2016 at the Youth Salon, and is visualized as a network, enabling remote reading of the Youth Salon and exploring the way artists are connected and shared through time and institutional space.

Concept: Tihana Puc

Visualization and Technical Performance: Mihael Giba

8.6. 2018. 18:00 (Club HDLU)

talk with Beti Žerovc: Is art just for privileged ones?

12.6. 2018. 18:00 (Club HDLU)

round table organized by Institut za povijest umjetnosti* 50 Years of Youth Salon

head of the round table: Ivana Mance

*as part of the 150th anniversary of HDLU

15.6.2018. 18:00

exhibition tour with the curator of the Salon, Mirna Rul*

*as part of Zagreb Design District Festival

20.6. 2018. 18:00 (Club HDLU)

discussion panel Big Data and the Art world

head of panel discussion: Lena Disopra

20.6. 2018. 19:00 (MSU, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb)

Opening of the solo exhibition Time Capsule, by Miran Šabić, winner of the MSU prize at the last Youth Salon. The exhibition remains open until July, 11 2018.

26.6.2018. 18:00

Catalogue promotion and awards ceremony.

20 kn citizens
10 kn students and retirees
10 kn groups (over 5 persons, fare per person)
10 kn for regular members of: ULUPUH, HDD, UHA, ORIS, HULU Split, HDLU Osijek, HDLU Rijeka, HDLU Dubrovnik, HDLU Istra, HDLU Varaždin, upon presentation of valid documents.
Free for regular members of Croatian Association of Artists, AICA, ICOM, Croatian Society of Art Historians and Croatian Journalists’ Association, as well as the students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Art History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, upon presentation of valid documents.
Tickets are sold at the Croatian Association of Artists box office, during the opening hours of the exhibition.
For further inquiries regarding the tickets, please contact


Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 AM – 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays (May, 31 and June, 22).

Difference Engine XI
Bačva Gallery
April 19 – May 6, 2018


The eleventh edition of the travelling exhibition Difference Engine XI – ALTERN_ATORS by the Irish art collective of the same name, will open on Thursday, 19 April, 2018 at 7pm at the Bačva Gallery of the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU).

Read more ...



Tuesday – Sunday: 9am – 12pm / 4pm – 8pm
Mondays and holidays closed.


Wednesday - Friday: 3pm - 8pm h Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 1pm h Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays closed

Home of HDLU
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb, Map...

T + 385 (0) 1 46 11 818, 46 11 819 F + 385 (0) 1 45 76 831 E-mail:

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