Category: Events

Karas Gallery, Home of HDLU
May 26– June 7, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition Ordinarities, by Marko Zeman, will be opened on Tuesday, May 26 at 6 pm at the Karas Gallery (Kralja Zvonimira 58).



At Karas Gallery, I have exhibited works with motifs and topics that have been occupying me for quite some time. They have in common that they depict ordinary, everyday objects and situations. Mugs, pots, cutlery, watering cans, hands, feet, children’s play on a sunny summer day in the sandbox of the park, going for ice cream, walking through the woods… I tried to paint the motifs straightforward and as directly as possible, but visually interesting, concentrating on the clarity and beauty of the large forms present in objects for everyday use.

Also, the situations of encounters between everyday objects and man, i.e. the presentation of human states in certain situations, are artistically interesting to me. So in some paintings, I tried to evoke the nervousness and despair that overwhelms us when we are in the midst of the chaos of an unmade kitchen, standing in front of a pile of scattered and unwashed dishes. In contrast, a cup of warm afternoon coffee or a stroll through the flora of the forest is an attempt to evoke comfort and peace.

I come to the motifs by doing a large number of drawings. When I make a drawing that I think might work in the medium of the painting, I take a large format and get started. Thus, with a few medium-format paintings, the second part of the exhibition consists of a large number of small drawings, which served as a preparation for painting, or which were created spontaneously during the work on the paintings. do not consider most of these drawings to be finished and defined works of art, but I think that they are a necessary part of the artistic whole that I have exhibited. On them, one can see the process of looking for shapes and proportions. Some ideas arose from accidentally overlapping drawings that lay in the clutter of the floor or drawing table. I transferred this method to collage, which is a common and important element of my paintings. As I work, I bring into the painting everything I know in a painterly sense. And that never proves to be enough. Then I paint further, to the point where the painting becomes stronger and smarter than I am until it surprises me. If that surprise is unpleasant, I start over. If pleasant, the painting is done.



Marko Zeman was born in 1975. In Zagreb. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in the class of Zlatko Keser. He graduated in 2010 under the mentorship of Zoltan Novak. He has exhibited in four solo and numerous group exhibitions. In 2015/2016 as an external associate, he teaches a drawing and painting course at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Zagreb. He is a member of the HDLU and HZSU. He lives and works in Zagreb.




2020 Karas Gallery, HDLU, Zagreb

2013 SC Gallery, Zagreb

2011 Marisall Gallery, Zagreb

2009 Matica hrvatska Gallery, Zagreb (with M. Majić and P. Pavlović)

2009 Vladimir Filakovac Gallery, Zagreb (with M. Majić and P. Pavlović)



Supported by:



Working hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 3 pm – 8 pm | Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays (May 30): closed.

The exhibition will remain open until June 7, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors. The Gallery can hold up to 5 people at a time.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.




Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
May 28– June 14, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition Fragmented film, by Sandra Sterle, will be opened in front of the Home of HDLU, on Thursday, May 28 at 7 pm at the Bačva Gallery (Home of HDLU).

“Sandra Sterle comes with a project both subtle and invasive. She is in a process of reconstruction being aware of the fragile state of personal memory when chronologies fail, information overlap, emotions come through. She is working with the personal archive as well as questioning it underlining the beauty of post-documentation where facts and fiction combine. She is using memory and imagination at the same time making a statement that real stories of real lives are a product of our brains and our brains are dead if not seen from a dynamic perspective more related to Quantum physics than to still linearity. It is even more challenging to tell stories of others through our minds that filter information through various layers. The grandfather-granddaughter relationship is built on a contrast between emotional archiving and the cold, brutal public surveillance of the digital era. Observation can be a tool for oppression, control, pleasure, censorship but it can also be overturned in a counter-surveillance. The artist is deconstructing the very concept of surveillance, the hierarchical vision. Data storage is a fact by the capacity of monitoring and recording, but it is also fiction as it fails to perform ethically and to encompass and define humanity and its complex traits… Data storage is a tool that can be useful, but it doesn´t replace the memory of the animal brain. Sandra Sterle’s approach can be seen as poetic but it is the consequence of awareness in front of the intersection between personal memory and artificial memory. She chose working with both, mixing them and accepting imagination as the survival kit at all times.”

From preface, written by Olivia Nițiș




Sandra Sterle works across film, installation, interventions, photography, and performance. She is a professor at the Arts Academy in Split, Croatia. Graduated from the Department of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and continued her studies at Department of Film and Video at Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf, 1995-96 (Prof. Nan Hoover). Her works were exhibited and performed in a variety of contexts in places like Kunsthalle Fridericanum, Kassel; Museum Ludwig, Aachen; Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem; Gate Foundation, Amsterdam; W139 Gallery, Amsterdam; Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Instytut Sztuki Wyspa, Gdansk; Location 1 Gallery New York; Artist Space, New York. Her works are part of several public archives and collections of MMSU, Rijeka, Art Gallery, Split and private collections.


Olivia Nițiș is a curator and a researcher art historian within the Institute of Art History G. Oprescu of the Romanian Academy. She holds a Ph.D. in visual arts and is the author of Istorii marginale ale artei feminist (Marginal Histories of Feminist Art), Vellant, Bucharest, 2014. She is vice-president of the Experimental Project Association in Bucharest, organizer of the International Experimental Engraving Biennial, a member of the International Art Critics Association since 2009 and regional coordinator for The Feminist Art Project (Rutgers University, New Jersey) since 2008.
Projects she worked on include: Statement: I Advocate Feminism, ArtPoint, Kulturkontakt, Vienna, The Poetics of Politics, Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw, 2012, Good Girls. Memory, Desire, Power (together with Bojana Pejić), National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013, Circumstances Favorable to Natural Selection, Victoria Art Center within IEEB6, 2014-2015, MonuMental Histories, Gabroveni Arcub 2016, The Principle of Migration, New York Foundation for the Arts 2019.



Supported by:


*The exhibition was realized with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Culture, given to artist Sandra Sterle, as part of the promotion of the creation of visual artists for interdisciplinary artistic research: Revive Grandpa (Part One: Fragmented Film)



Wednesday – Friday: 11am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm

Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays (May 30): closed.

The exhibition will remain open until June 14, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.

Karas Gallery
May 12 – May 24, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, an exhibition by Valentina Supanz Marinić entitled Toxicity, will be opened at the Karas Gallery (Zvonimirova 58) on May 12, 2020. The opening will be virtual and will be viewable on the HDLU Facebook page. The exhibition will be open for public from May 13th. 

“The phantasmagorical scenes of landscape, almost de Chirico-like, metaphysical, devoid of life and existence, unfold before us in Valentina Supanz Marinić’s works. This is a fictitious and inhospitable world, suffocated by neon smoke and heavy, toxic air. A post-apocalyptic scenario, reminiscent of the scenes from Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road. A world without the sun, dark and cruel, destroyed by some unnamed cataclysm that we are painfully aware of. The repertoire of motifs is very similar in all her works. Nature becomes unnatural, and people, in overalls and face masks, are merely symbolic figures of doom. The post-apocalyptic world slaps us in the face with neon colours that the artist uses to further emphasize this toxicity. The sky turns yellow, water purple and green, and vegetation dies off or becomes strange. The electrified horizons of silence fade at dusk (of humanity?), whereas people appear only from behind, in clothes that clearly show that they found themselves in a world in which they would not be able to survive without the protective equipment.. (…)

(…) The observer becomes fully aware of the disturbing truth about the alarming state of the environment, which is something we hear about in the media. However, given the current situation with the Coronavirus epidemic, the observer is also concerned whether we are facing the collapse of civilizational norms due to some huge crisis and whether an average homo vulgaris will manage to cope with it or are we facing extinction. This makes Valentina’s work very topical and engaged, and it clearly states that art cannot, and should not, be detached from reality, immune to serious issues, and enclosed within the studio walls.”

From preface, written by Nika Šimičić




Valentina Supanz Marinić was born in 1986 in Zagreb. In 2012, she graduated Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, under mentorship of Zlatko Kauzlarić – Atač. She has exhibited in several solo and numerous group exhibitions, of which we highlight: the 2nd and 5th Biennial of Painting (HDLU, Zagreb); New Croatian Realism (Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb); and Fountain Art Faire at Armory Arts Week (Manhattan, New York, 2014). The Erste Fragments Foundation awarded her the ransom prize for the painting My Jungle in 2013. She is an illustrator of several children’s picture books. She is a member of the HDLU and HZSU.



Supported by:



Working hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 3 pm – 8 pm | Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.

The exhibition will be open from May 13 until May 24, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors. The Gallery can hold up to 5 people at a time.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.

Dear vistors,

The Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

All of the communication and working with clients is further possible by email and phone. You can find contacts of our employees on HDLU Website. For all the necessary information you can contact: or phone: + 385 14611 818.

We look forward to welcoming our visitors back to the all of our galleries as soon as it is possible again.

Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
March 10 – March 22, 2020



Exhibition Pack, by Vlatka Škoro, will be opened on Tuesday, March 10 at 6 pm at the Karas Gallery (Zvonimirova 58).

Pack, created by the sculptor Vlatka Škoro, is a group of 12 new sculptures of the African wild dog conceptually gathered around the Alpha, the sculpture of the African wild dog from the growing Animal series of works (2019) exhibited last year in Zagreb and, in an expanded form, in Osijek. Pack is a continuation, that is, a kind of extension of the above-mentioned series. (…)

(…) The theriomorphism of the Animals gains a new dimension with the Pack due to the significant choice of the motif of an animal that is completely unfamiliar with human presence, even finds it impossible. The animal’s organic structure is an imperative for Vlatka Škoro, for her meticulous approach to the subject, the same as her instinct that she follows both in the choice of motifs and in creating the sculpture itself. The naturalism of the Pack, manifested in the fluidity of natural (that is, sculptural) forms and character of sculptures, contrasted to the neutral backdrop of the gallery space, is further emphasized. By contrasting the wilderness with the aesthetics of the civilized world and analytical deconstruction of structures, Vlatka Škoro gives us an insight into her own sculptural truth.”

From preface, written by Ivan Roth




Vlatka Škoro (1987, Osijek) lives and works in Zagreb. In 2010 she received an M.A. in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, in the class of the professor Stjepan Gračan. In 2018 she earned her PhD in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts.  She won the Erste Grand Prix Award (2010). She has exhibited in six solo and about twenty group exhibitions in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Vinkovci, Đakovo, etc.



Supported by:






Wednesday – Friday: 11am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm

The exhibition will remain open until March 22, 2020

Croatian Association of Fine Artists in collaboration with the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs conducts an international visual arts competition The Victim of Vukovar 1991.

The aim of the international visual arts competition The Victim of Vukovar 1991 is to establish a dialogue with contemporary art practices based on the culture of memory and symbolism of war suffering of the city of Vukovar and generate artworks that will be inscribed in the collective memory.

Photography: Zoran Filipović Zoro


The competition will select four new works of art (that have never been presented to the public) to be exhibited in Zagreb in June 2020, on the occasion of the Croatian presidency of the Council of the European Union, after which the exhibition will be held at the Vukovar Municipal Museum until the end of 2020.

The selected artists will receive an artist’s fee of HRK 60,000 gross each. Artists will be provided with return transport of the artworks, insurance, and overnight and travel expenses for participation in the exhibitions.

Competition is open to professional artists, EU Member States citizens, working in the field of visual arts. Artists can apply individually, in pairs or as a part of an art collective. Deadline for submission is 9.4.2020.

Works will be selected by a jury consisting of: Tonko Maroević, academician, Branko Franceschi, art historian, Kristijan Milić, film director, Božica Dea Matasić, full professor of arts, Tomislav Buntak, associate professor of arts, Ana Holjevac Tuković, PhD in History, Mirela Buterin, LLB.

More details on the competition is available HERE.



of the International Visual Arts Competition

 “The Victim of Vukovar 1991“

Due to changes in the economic trends in the Republic of Croatia as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic which have led to the reallocation of funds to measures and activities aimed at combating the epidemic, as well as to changes in the planned budgetary activities to optimize the use of limited fiscal potential, the Ministry of Defence (The Client) has adopted the decision to temporarily suspend the International Visual Arts Competition “The Victim of Vukovar 1991“.

All the competition activities have been postponed until further notice, that is until the funds have been secured and the decision has been made to continue with the competition, about which all the artists who applied to the competition will be notified in a timely manner.

Artists who wish to withdraw their applications due to changes in the competition conditions can do so by sending an email to with the subject Vukovar Competition – Application Withdrawal.

Thank you for your understanding.



Tuesday – Sunday: 9am – 12pm / 4pm – 8pm
Mondays and holidays closed.


Wednesday - Friday: 3pm - 8pm h Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 1pm h Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays closed

Home of HDLU
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb, Map...

T + 385 (0) 1 46 11 818, 46 11 819 F + 385 (0) 1 45 76 831 E-mail:

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