Category: Events


* As part of the exhibition by Behzad Khosravi Noori – Professor Balthazar and a Monument to the Invisible Citizen, which you can see in the Bačva Gallery until September 6, 2020.


Speakers: Boris Buden, Nikica Gilić, Sanja Horvatinčić and Tvrtko Jakovina

The symposium forms part of the exhibition Professor Balthazar and a Monument to The Invisible Citizen by artist Behzad Khosravi Noori. Invited speakers took part in the research process and provided an important insight into local history. Most of their voices are present in the film A Monument to an Invisible Citizen but will also expand their individual research in the symposium.

What are the imaginable alternative futures for our collective past? What might the future reception of our perceptions of the collective past become? What methods of investigation or even interrogation can be used to destabilize the given narrative of the past?

The symposium The Future of our Collective Past addresses aligned forms of historiography within contemporary history in relation to the Non-aligned Movement, memory politics, and histories of the global South. It studies the means of cultural production within the dichotomy of the cold-war situation and beyond and through different historical perspectives, investigates the materiality of contemporary history and the multiplicity of interactions, connections, entanglements and micro-histories embedded in our near past.

Through the re-enactment of material history the symposium casts light on the necessity of artistic practice in relation to how art and artistic research praxis can excavate the image of contemporary history in the present and suggest a possible future for it. The image of our collective past demands reinvention in order to confirm the possibility of thinking about social transformation, emancipation and solidarity.




16:00-16:15 / Introduction (Behzad Khosravi Noori, Ana Kovačić and Lea Vene)

16:15-17:00 / Boris Buden: All what a culture can … is not enough (via Zoom)

17:00-17:45 / Tvrtko Jakovina: NAM (Non-aligned Movement): Yugoslav Heyday in the World’s Largest Political Association

17:45-18:00 / Break

18:00-18:45 / Sanja Horvatinčić: Monumental strategies of the invisible

18:45-19:30 / Nikica Gilić: Zagreb School and its authors in context

19:30-20:30 / Final remarks/comments/Q&A








Supported by:





Project is produced by Marabouparken in collabration with Malmö konstmuseum and Konstfack.


Exhibition opening hours:

Wednesday: 11-19h; Thursday: 11 am-5pm; Friday: 12-19h; Saturday: 10 am-4pm; Sunday: 11-16h

The gallery is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and public holidays.


The exhibition remains open until September 6, 2020

Katrin K. Radovani

What. We.Haven’t. Told. You. I. The Red Dress
PM Gallery
July 16 – August 14, 2020



An interdisciplinary project on 5 different cases of childhood sexual abuse divided into 5* acts, based on the real, but untold testimonies.



“What. We. Haven’t. Told. You_I is the continuation of the first sequence of the five-part* work on the topic of trauma caused by sexual abuse (the first sequence was the artist’s eponymous thesis project exhibited and performed at the French Pavilion of the Student Centre in Zagreb, Croatia, in September 2018). With this, also a five-part installation, the artist exposes the space of trauma, visually revealing its layers, stigmas and mechanisms. By dressing the space of the Extended Media Gallery in transparent nylon, she recreates a mental labyrinth that draws the visitor into the very centre of a traumatic experience. This is a multimedia work – it consists of paintings, a site-specific work, sound installation and video that the artist uses to introduce the observer into the work, uttering the text created by studying traumatic experiences. The same, rhythmical and powerful text, makes up the audio installation that activates in different locations around the gallery, overlaps with itself, builds on itself or creates periods of unpleasant silences. At the opening event, the artist gave a performance in which she guided the observes through the spaces of intensity, psychological layers and loops, using a red thread as a guiding line through the underground, repetitive, psychological world of a traumatic experience.

With the work What. We. Haven’t. Told. You_I, Katrin Radovani digs deep into the space of trauma caused by sexual abuse. This topic that is mostly not spoken about, a by-product of patriarchy and stigmatization of women, is still a place of duality in which often the victim, instead of the perpetrator, experiences guilt. Such psychological mechanisms are conditioned by the act of violence, as well as by the centuries-old degradation of women, as the most numerous victims of such power play. Power as a social imperative, appropriation, penetration, violation of another’s physical and mental space, all these are tentacles behind which lie disrespect, non-recognition of otherness as equal, inherent destruction that is the flip side of the society based on domination, with the eternal threat of violence that often affirms the social order. In this sense, sexuality has a special place as a source of life. To penetrate the body, desecrate the source, is a specific expression of pathological domination: often being the victims of abuse themselves, the attackers continue the circle of deprivation, desecration, in an eternal attempt to reach fulfilment, doomed to fail at the very beginning. Thus the trauma is repeated, personally, transgenerationally, almost historically, the force of destruction is maintained, hidden behind institutions, homes, customs and systems.“

From the Foreword by Josipa Bubaš:


* Number 5 is a reference to the Council of Europe’s “One in Five” Campaign that assesses that one in five children at the age of 14 have been sexually abused.

Source: Council of Europe, “One in Five” Campaign, Child and Youth Protection Centre of Zagreb


Katrin K. Radovani biography:

Born in Split, Croatia in 1986. In 2013 she enrolled into the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Painting. In 2018 she graduated in the class of the Assoc. Prof. Ksenija Turčić with the praise of the Academic Council and earned an MA in Painting. Her thesis project won the first award of the Centre for Women’s Studies as the best student project on the topic of gender and sex issues, as well as the award of the Academic Council. She has won three Rector’s Awards.

In 2017 she won the Venice Summer Academy scholarship for the Art & Performance program, under the mentorship of Prof. Jay Pather. She participated in the final performance marathon of the Curatorial Platform in 2018 and performed “Bolji život“ (“(For) The Better Life“) and “Kabaret identiteta“ (Cabaret of Identities“) at the KNAP centre. She is one of the co-founders of the “CollectiW“ performance collective with which she performed “Sramota!” (“Shame!“) within the Seven Days of Creation Festival in Pazin in 2018 and “Shame!” within the Anima Mundi Festival in Venice in 2019.

She has exhibited in Croatia and abroad, including:  Venientes, Šira Gallery (accompanying programme of the 34th Youth Salon), 21st Miniature, ULS, Vršilica, Withdraw – Into the Mountains (within Into the Mountains project), Shed in Eisenwerk, Switzerland, U planinama (Into the Mountains),  Bačva Gallery, Croatian Association of Artists – HDLU, 5th Biennial of Painting, Prsten Gallery, Croatian Association of Artists – HDLU, Untitled 5, Baumwolle Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany and What. We. Haven’t. Told. You. Act I: The Red Dress (solo graduation exhibition), French Pavilion, SC Zagreb in 2019.

In 2019 she completed an internship as the assistant curator to Mark Gisbourne and local coordinator of the exhibition The Leipzig Connection (5th Biennial of Painting, Croatia) and as the assistant on the project of The De/construciton of the Painting art residency, Leipzig, Germany.

In 2020 she as attended the art residency programs of the Creart A.I.R. Kaunas project in Lithuania, Cité Internationale Paris in France and won the Künstler zu Gast in Harburg scholarship in Hamburg, Germany.


INSTAGRAM:  katrin.k.radovani






Supported by:





Working hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 3 pm – 8 pm | Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.


The exhibition will remain open until July 19, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors. The Gallery can hold up to 5 people at a time.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.



Karas Gallery, Kralja Zvonimira 58
July 7– July 19, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition MYTH, EMBROIDERY AND VUTEKS, by Željko Beljan, will be opened on Tuesday, July 7 at 7 pm at the Karas Gallery (Kralja Zvonimira 58).


(…) “The embroidery motifs have been changed in Beljan’s alternate reality, they are no longer meant for idyllic kitchens or ethnographic collections in heritage museums, but for the artist’s personal ritual in which he, like a shaman, liberates his own past and changes its course. Just as Saša Božić and Petra Hrašćanec play with the choreographies of folk dance groups in the dance performance Kolo (The Circle Dance) (2019), creating an almost futuristic traditional performance, Željko Beljan also takes us to the psychedelic sky, the same one where we will share a messianic vision with pigs, dolphins, and ducks. In this sky, everything is truly possible in a simultaneous reality. ”

From the preface, written by Josip Zanki




Željko Beljan was born on June 17, 1984, in Vukovar. Since 2016, he has been studying at the Department of Animated Film and New Media of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. He has been engaged in illustration, comics, and poster production since 2010. He had his first solo exhibition in 2016 in Osijek. He is the author of numerous posters for various Zagreb clubs and other artistic initiatives and bands of which he is a member or associate.



Supported by:



Working hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 3 pm – 8 pm | Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.


The exhibition will remain open until July 19, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors. The Gallery can hold up to 5 people at a time.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.

Curators: Ana Kovačić and Lea Vene
Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
July 2– September 6, 2020

The opening of the exhibition by Behzad Khosravi Noori, Professor Balthazar and a Monument to the Invisible Citizen will be in front of the main entrance to the Home of HDLU, on Thursday, July 2, 2020. at 7 p.m.

For the summer atmosphere and pleasant socializing at the opening, we have prepared the music for you, which will be played by Lina Kovačević.

Professor Balthazar is a smart scientist who wishes everyone well. He lives in the picturesque and somewhat crazy city of Balthazargrad. Professor Balthazar can use his magic machine to solve all the problems of citizens. The exhibition gives us the opportunity to meet this ingenious character or, for those who watched the animated television series as a child, to revive the memory of him. Also, we can experience the monument that gave the exhibition its name and be inspired by the ability of Professor Balthazar to solve problems in the workshop space of the exhibition. The exhibition also encourages us to see more of the children’s program and to take a closer look at the social and artistic conditions that influenced Professor Balthazar’s production. Behzad Khosravi Noori draws a new political and cultural map of the Cold War period, commonly described as a period in which the world was divided into East and West, and focuses on the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) that coexisted as a counterpoint to the Eastern and Western Cold Blocs. Among other things, the NAM was founded by the Yugoslav leader Tito, with the aim of putting an end to armaments and threats of war. The movement was also dedicated to fighting colonialism and racism and promoting peaceful coexistence. This influenced not only the global political situation but also the Zagreb School of Animation, where Professor Balthazar was born.



Behzad Khosravi Noori takes this transnational children’s program created in the Zagreb Film Studio in the period 1967-1978 as a starting point for a pink-yellow installation in the form of a climber made of a metal structure reminiscent of a scaffold with a slide and on the other hand extensive research on the creation of an animated series.

Thus, children will be able to enjoy a pink-yellow climber with a slide and watch the adventures of this famous inventor through selected episodes, while parents, through two documentaries, will be able to learn about the

history of the animated series and the political context of the time.

The project Professor Balthazar and the Monument to the Invisible Citizen has so far been shown in the form of a solo exhibition in several Swedish cities (Stockholm, Malmö, and Kalmar) and at the Art Encounters Biennale in Timisoara, Romania, and the final stop is a solo exhibition opening on July 2, 2020. in HDLU and lasts throughout the summer holidays.

At the end of the exhibition, the artist GIFTS the sculptural installation FOR PUBLIC USE, for which competition has been announced.



BEHZAD KHOSRAVI-NOORI (1976, Tehran) studied Motion pictures at Tarbiat Modaress University in Tehran and Art in Public Realm at Konstfack Stockholm. In his research-based art practices, Khosravi-Noori emphasizes on micro history and narrative strategy within hyper-politicized socio-political milieus in films and time-based materials. His recent exhibition include: 2017: Accessing Utopia, Venice Bienale, Research Pavilion; A Short Story about A Cat, Tranzit Iash, Romania; Around About, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, 2016: Aran Gallery, Tehran, The life of an itinerant through a pinhole; Skånes konstförening, Lund, 2014: Incandescence, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm; 2013: Vibration, Tensta Konsthall,and Konstfack, Stockholm, and 2012: The Black eyes of Bruce Lee, MKC, Stockholm.  Currently, he is holding a PhD position at Konstfack in collaboration with school of architecture at Royal Collage of Technology KTH in Stockholm. Khosravi-Noori lives and works in Stockholm.




Supported by:





Project is produced by Marabouparken in collabration with Malmö konstmuseum and Konstfack.


Exhibition opening hours:

Wednesday: 11-19h; Thursday: 11 am-5pm; Friday: 12-19h; Saturday: 10 am-4pm; Sunday: 11-16h

The gallery is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and public holidays.


The exhibition remains open until September 6, 2020


At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.

Karas Gallery, Kralja Zvonimira 58
June 23– July 5, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition THE EFFORT OF INFINITY. I’M AFRAID TO DREAM, by Karla Čurčinski and Laura Martinović, will be opened on Tuesday, June 23 at 7 pm at the Karas Gallery (Kralja Zvonimira 58).



Through artworks on the topic of The effort of infinity, I fear to dream we question the current issues of culture in society, the form of cultural institutions and its society, and the limits of failure, success, and artist’s motivation. We present our own experiences and through the synonym of the bad in these situations, we create cultural symbols that are a reflection of the expected and known result.
We place great emphasis on a distorted illusion based on the relationships of the powerful and influential that are an indicator of success. Such a tool is an integral part of the society in which we live. If you work and have a little luck, is success a logical consequence? In the artworks, we show that little bit of luck. A little luck is found in a few drinks of coffee a day, too iodized wines, three hours of listening to gloomy monologues of philosophers, the company of smug or imaginary socialites, the despair of grovelers, God-given critics, and a promiscuous view from above.
The hard and dedicated work of the artist is put aside. He is not treated equally. Moreover, he is completely invisible. Maybe forever, and maybe just until a moment of little luck. How little luck is enough then?



Karla Čurčinski was born in 1993 in Zagreb. She graduated in graphics in 2017 in the class of Professor Svjetlan Junaković at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She spent winter semester 2015/2016 in Belfast, Northern Ireland at Ulster University, majoring in illustration. She is the winner of two Rector’s awards. So far, she has had two solo exhibitions (Čekanje, Razvid Gallery, Zaprešić 2019 and San Stvarnosti, Živi Atelje DK, 2017, Zagreb) and has participated in numerous group exhibitions in the country and abroad, some of which are: 8th Croatian Biennial of Illustration , Klovićevi dvori (2020), Virtual exhibition “Illustrators Wall”, Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Bologna, Italy (2020), Bratoljub – the first illustrated dictionary of foreign words, Centar za kulturu Trešnjevka, Zagreb / ​​Belgrade, Street Gallery (2019. ), Ilustrofest, Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade, Serbia (2019), 54th Zagreb Salon of Visual Arts – “Without Anesthesia”, HDLU, Zagreb (2019), 2nd Samobor Salon, Prica Gallery, Samobor (2019), APPOINTMENT, Dobra Vaga Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2019), 36 Mountains, HDLU (2018), 7th Croatian Biennial of Illustration, Klovićevi dvori (2018), 8th Zagorje Art Salon, Krapina (2018), 4th Croatian International Self-Portrait Triennial, Prica Gallery, Samobor (2017), That’s a Mole, Turin, Italy (2017), Notte di fiaba, Riva del Garda, Italy (2017), Books to watch – books to read, Šira Gallery (2017), Together in Glass, Mimara Museum (2016), 3rd Croatian International self-portrait triennial, Prica Gallery, Samobor (2014). She is a member of HDLU and HULU. She lives and works in Zagreb as a graphic designer and illustrator.


Laura Martinović was born in Zagreb in 1993. She finished the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb in 2012 and the same year she enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where she completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in the graphic department. She obtained a master’s degree in graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in September 2017 in the class of Svjetlan Junaković. She participated in a student exchange studying one semester at Ulster University in Belfast, Northern Ireland in the field of illustration and photography in 2015., from December 2017 to August 2018, she lived and studied in Barcelona, ​​Spain where she did an internship at Metafora Art School as an illustrator and animator. She had her latest solo exhibitions at the SC Gallery in Zagreb, in March 2019 with the artwork Put haljine, and at the Pučko otvoreno učilište, Zagreb, CEKAO Gallery with the exhibition Rječnik katalonskih i španjolskih interpretacija. In June 2019, she participated in a group exhibition at the Arte Aurora Gallery in Barcelona, ​​Spain. She is actively involved in experimental and 2D animation, and since October 2019 she has been working and collaborating with the Adriatic Animation studio.



Supported by:



Working hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 3 pm – 8 pm | Saturday: 10 am to 1 pm
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.


The exhibition will remain open until June 7, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors. The Gallery can hold up to 5 people at a time.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.

Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
June 18– June 28, 2020

Exhibition THE BIGGEST: ANTONIO GOTOVAC LAUER, by MILAN BOŽIĆ, will be opened in front of the Home of HDLU, on Thursday, June 18 at 7 pm at the Bačva Gallery (Home of HDLU).

The exhibition opening will be accompanied by artist’s performance.


The Biggest

With this project I want to draw attention to the importance of culture valuation, the culture of remembrance as well as the culture of nurturing and protection, both tangible and intangible cultural heritage and valuation of those who have, with their opus, enriched domestic and world cultural heritage. I want to pay tribute to all those who have used disobedience, as a means of exposing the intellectual laziness and sluggishness of individuals and the masses, seduced by supposedly important and sublime ideas and ideologies, which serve to protect the ridiculous and deceitful current regimes. Gotovac created, as a member of the BLACK WAVE in former Yugoslav cinematography – an intellectual and critical artistic current, which was condemned by the communist authorities because it ridiculed the ugliness of the government and propagandistic, in most cases partisan, films. With their attitude and artistic work, the participants of the BLACK WAVE came to the disfavor of the government, experiencing censorship, persecution, the ban on activities, court and prison punishments. By their example, they showed how an individual, in this case an artist, should behave and how to deal with the image that the society in certain conditions forms about the disloyal individual, trying to silence him, without choosing the means. With this project, I want to draw attention to how everyone should, with their work and life, be themselves. How they must follow moral and ethical principles, regardless of possible threats of material or existential nature. I want to motivate artists and consumers of art to work honestly and seriously in culture and art on the path of building and developing a culture that is in line with world cultural trends and which, at certain times, precedes these same world trends.

With this project, I follow the path of BLACK WAVE members who, contrary to the prevailing ideology and propaganda activities of state artists and cultural workers, devised a critical artistic direction, which portrayed real life and the hidden dark face of life in the “socialist paradise”. As a volunteer, officer, and disabled war veteran, I fought against the same opponent as the members of BLACK WAVE.

With the end of the Croatian War of Independence and the defense of the Republic of Croatia, I replace war weapons with artistic means and thus prove that artists are warriors in one way and those true warriors can be artists.

To me as an individual, as a person, my body and my mind are a unique and inseparable whole and together they equally form a tool by which I realize myself while at the same time realizing space, time, history and social, economic, religious and all other circumstances, situations, and spiritual movements in which I currently exist. What is especially similar to LAUER and me is the realization… that the naked body in the public space of my city is blasphemy, insulting the petty bourgeoisie, so, exposing myself, I publicly take off the false conformist masks of hesitants who, by living their lives, actually lie, hide from their reality, who are afraid to publicly express opinions and views, and try to, in every single way, avoid any change done by their own actions.
My goal is not just to realize a project, or to create a work of art. What is important to me is the course and process of making a work of art, each phase through which a thought or idea passes. That is, the path – the thought – the idea – the process of work – a finished work of art.

Milan Božić, 2019


Milan Božić was born in 1958 in Zagreb. From 1973 to 1978 he was a member of the Folklore Group – KUD Adria. He finished the School of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in 1978 and enrolled Faculty of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. In 1982 he got a job at the Sintal factory (sinter metals-hard metals). From 1986 to 1991 he was a member of the Aero Club Zagreb (sport pilot/air sailing). 1991-1995 he was a volunteer in the Croatian War of Independence. In 1993 he passed the first officer’s course, and in 1994 the second officer’s course. From 1994-1996 he attended the HVU Petar Zrinski officer school. In 1995 he worked as a teacher and commander of teaching groups (company – battalion) at the HVU, (FPZ study). From 1999-2010 he was an active HV officer in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia. He is a disabled war veteran (first wounded in the Karlovac battlefield on November 21, 1991). Since 1999 he has been performing together with Vlasta Delimar and independently. He does videos, film, photography, and performance.



Supported by:



Wednesday – Friday: 11am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm

Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.

The exhibition will remain open until June 28, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.


HDLU – Croatian Association of Fine Artists announces


within the program of Bačva Gallery, Prsten Gallery, PM Gallery and Karas Gallery


The rights to participate in the call have all the artists and experts in the field of fine arts.




exhibition proposals

educational projects

international programs, inter-institutional and regional collaborations


APPLICATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM AND SUBMISSION OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. All the fields in the application form which are marked with * are mandatory. Application, which is not fully completed or does not contain the required documents, will not be considered.




  1. required examples of the artworks / exhibition / project
  • images/sketches of the work in JPG format up to 700kb per image
  • digital Video in DVD PAL or mp4 format (if applicable)
  • sound works in mp3 format (if applicable) etc.


provide materials as much as possible for better insight into the project


  1. CV (please download CV-FORM here, fill it out and upload it to the on-line application form)
  • project applicant’s CV
  • artist(s)’ CV (if different from the applicant)


  1. spatial plan
  • on the gallery blue print (if applicable)


  1. for international projects and collaborations
  • list of countries and institutions engaged with the project
  • confirmation letter from the international institutions




How to apply

Applications should be submitted through on-line application form only.


Application deadline

June 30, 2020, 23:59

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.



Contact for all issues related to the galleries and / or application form (Mon-Fri, 10am – 3.30pm):

  • PM and Prsten Gallery: Martina Miholić,, +385 997326127
  • Bačva and Karas Gallery: Nika Šimičić,, 0989828989
  • For international and/or educational projects: Miran Jurić,





During the selection process, process of applying for funds and final realization of the program, HDLU will communicate only with the project applicant according to the contacts listed in the application form.



HDLU reserves the right to use the selected applications for promotional material of the yearly program in all types of media, catalogues, invites, web and Facebook pages of HDLU.



Please contact us in case if you don’t receive submission confirmation e-mail from within two working days from the submission.





FLOOR PLANS OF THE GALLERY SPACES: Bačva Gallery, PM Gallery, Prsten Gallery, Karas Gallery





Tuesday – Sunday: 9am – 12pm / 4pm – 8pm
Mondays and holidays closed.


Wednesday - Friday: 3pm - 8pm h Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 1pm h Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays closed

Home of HDLU
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb, Map...

T + 385 (0) 1 46 11 818, 46 11 819 F + 385 (0) 1 45 76 831 E-mail:

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