Exhibition: Different Echoes

“Different Echoes”
Prsten Gallery
July 5. – 21, 2019


Opening of the exhibition: Friday, July at 8 pm at the Prsten Gallery

Curator: Ekkehard Neumann

Artists: Nikola Dimitrov (Cologne/Heusweiler), Duje Jurić (Zagreb), Friedhelm Falke (Cologne), Ekkehard Neumann (Münster), Sigrún Ólafsdóttir (Saarbrücken), Annette Wesseling (Cologne), Elly Valk-Verheijen (Lünen/Dortmund).

An echo or reverberation arises when reflections of a sound wave are so strongly delayed that one can perceive this sound as a separate hearing event. Resonance is the resonating of a body with another body. The terms echo and resonance describe very accurately the characteristics of the joint exhibition project by Nikola Dimitrov, Duje Jurić, Friedhelm Falke, Ekkehard Neumann, Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, Elly Valk-Verheijen and Annette Wesseling.

Translated into the language of acoustics: “Seven echoes that overlap and vibrate at a common frequency”. Reduced in color and form, each position develops its own differentiated language and at the same time refers to the other positions. A discourse that develops directly from intuition. The invitations now make it possible to continue, expand and discuss this artistic exchange in a new context.

The artists from Germany have been presented their exhibition project since 2016 in numerous museums and galleries in Germany and abroad. The wellknown Croatian artist Duje Jurić expands and enriches the concept with his works as the “seventh echo” in the gallery of the HDLU Zagreb. Visible are similarities, but also differences and accents. On this level, the exhibition is a visual conversation and exchange of individual artistic access between artists.

The artists have consistently followed their artistic ideas for decades. Her artistic media are rather classical: for Nikola Dimitrov, Friedhelm Falke, and Annette Wesseling it is painting, for Ekkehard Neumann and Sigrún Ólafsdóttir the sculpture, for Duje Jurić, Elly Valk-Verheijen the painting in installative pictorial form. In their respective design and content potential, these always explore new ideas and develop further formulations.

In all individual ways of accessing the artists can summarize the painting of Dimitrov, Falke, Jurić, Valk-Verheijen and Wesseling that they do not depict, but in the sense of non-objective art “shows itself”. The traces of the painting act and the painterly structures determine the picture. These develop intuitively or systematically. Similarly, the sculptural works of Neumann in iron and cast iron and Ólafsdóttir in latex and rubber on wood have been developed from free constructive or vegetal forms.

For the exhibition in Zagreb, the artist group will realize a collaborative work called “chamber echoes”. A wall structure picks up small individual works on paper made by the artists and develops a multi-faceted complex .mural of all “Echoes”.




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Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 AM – 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays.

The exhibition will remain open until July 21, 2019



Tuesday – Sunday: 9am – 12pm / 4pm – 8pm
Mondays and holidays closed.


Wednesday - Friday: 3pm - 8pm h Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 1pm h Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays closed

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