The project De/construction of Painting encourages and addresses contemporary artistic practices within the context of the visual arts center of Eastern Germany, Leipzig, which has transformed into a global hub for the arts with a focus on the painting scene. The former industrial complex Spinnerei in the Plagwitz district spans 10 hectares and has been almost entirely renovated, now serving as the heart of the local and international art scene with 12 galleries, the non-profit art center Halle 14, and around a hundred resident artists. The residency program De/construction of Painting tries to answer the following questions:


  • To what extent is the idea of an image/painting still a cultural construct within various dichotomies (Western-Eastern, industrial-post-industrial)?
  • How does the media in which the painting is formed correspond to the concepts of representing different realities?
  • What is individual in the image/painting and what is symbolic or universal?


Part of this year’s residency program will take place within the EU project CreART 3.0, a European network of medium-sized cities aimed at exchanging experiences and best practices to promote contemporary art through a continuous transnational mobility program for emerging artists, curators, and cultural workers, in order to maximize the economic, social, and cultural contributions that creativity can bring to local communities. As part of the EU project CreART 3.0, 4 residencies will take place in Leipzig in 2025, each lasting 5 weeks, including 2 Croatian and 2 foreign artists from the network of cities.



The Open call is aimed at artists of younger generation from the CreArt network who address the aforementioned questions and primarily start from redefining the ideas of an image, in the medium of painting, but also in photography and video. The De/construction of Painting residency program closes the circle between artistic and research, opening doors to new considerations of the image. Two artists (one from Croatia and one from the CreArt network) share a workspace and a bathroom in one residency space simultaneously.





September 1st – October 15th, 2025

October 17th – November 30th, 2025



  • Artists of younger generation born or residing in one of the cities in the project network: Kaunas (Lithuania), Liepaja (Lithuania), Skopje (North Macedonia), Aveiro (Portugal), Valladolid (Spain), Lublin (Poland), Venice (Italy), Clermont-Ferrand and Rouen (France), Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic), Oulu (Finland), Regensburg (Germany).
  • Ukrainian artists through our cooperation with the Lviv Artistic Council “Dialog”.



  • Roundtrip ticket costs to and from Leipzigup to a maximum of 400 EUR.
  • Accommodation in Leipzig (Plautstrasse) consisting of:
    • Workspace with windows, 50m2 (shared by two artists).
    • Bedroom 1, 11 m2 (1 bed).
    • Bedroom 2, 16m2 (2 beds).
    • Shared bathroom.
    • Kitchen space with basic equipment.
    • Balcony
  • Artist fee of 1,000 EUR/gross.
  • Production costs for new works amounting to 600 EUR/gross.
  • Presentation in Leipzig (open studio, HafenKombinat).
  • Report: For participation in part of the European project CreART 3.0 upon return from the residency, artists must submit a brief narrative report containing evidence of newly created works (in English) and boarding passes if traveling by plane.
  • Contract: Before departing for the residency, the artist will sign a contract with the Croatian Association of Fine Artists. Participants in the European project CreART 3.0 under the contract undertake to participate in promotional activities of CreArt until the project ends in 2026 in agreement with the Croatian Association of Fine Artists.


Only complete and timely applications will be considered.


Selection committee: Josip Zanki, Tomislav Buntak, and Stjepan Šandrk.

The committee is not obliged to provide reasons for its decision.



Via email: with the subject line: Leipzig, applicants must submit the following documentation and register on the CreArt website and upload their portfolio: LINK.


  • Identity card or passport (scanned).
  • Motivational letter (max 500 words) with mandatory indication of preferred residency dates (if both are suitable, please indicate both) and a brief written project proposal (one A4 page).
  • Curriculum vitae in English.
  • Portfolio of works and artistic activity (in PDF, max 7 MB; for video works – in PDF, provide links to online publications of the works).



Applications accepted until: March 25th, 2025

Announcement of results: April 2025

Signing of residency space usage agreement: two weeks before departure.

Submission of report: 1 week after the residency ends.



The contact person for all questions is Miran Jurić, Questions are accepted exclusively via email.


Within the project:


Co-funded by:


Co-funded by the European Union – CREA-CULT-2023-COOP. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. [Project number: 101128499]

Project is co-financed by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.

The views expressed in this announcement are the sole responsibility of HDLU and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.