The second curatorial residency of the European project AFAR has ended

Since February 2, 2024, Sarah McNulty (born in USA), an artist and curator based in Copenhagen, has collected numerous researches in the city of Zagreb, visiting cultural sites, facilities and public sculptures. She met several artists and curators, visiting studios and alternative places to create art. She participated in exhibition openings, performances and events at universities and art organizations.

In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, as part of the Introduction to Art Theory course, by associate professor Ph.D. Josip Zanki, she gave a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts and spoke with Deborah Hustić (Radiona, Zagreb) about how and where we create, about the potential of spaces managed by artists, informal learning and non-places. Together they discussed the establishment of alternative artistic communities and structures, to maintain vital and active spaces for experimentation.


Overall, it was enormously enlightening and beneficial to have the opportunity to come to Zagreb and learn much more about the region and the art scene, which I had limited contact with previously. There were many active and innovative approaches to practices and presenting work, and great potential to develop this within larger international networks. I feel honored to have met so many engaged, open members of the artistic community, who were very gracious and curious. It has started so many connections and conversations which I hope to continue.

Within the project:

Project partners:

Supported by:


Co-funded by the European Union – CREA-CULT-2022-COOP. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

[Project number: 101100309 ]

The views expressed in this announcement are the sole responsibility of HDLU and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.



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