EXHIBITION: TEXT AS AN OBJECT -group exhibition of Slovenian and Croatian artists

PM gallery, Home of HDU (Meštrović pavilion)

Opening of the exhibition TEXT AS AN OBJECT – group exhibition of Slovenian and Croatian artists will be on Friday, March 22, 2024 at 7pm, at PM Gallery (Home of HDLU / Meštrović pavilion).

From Josip Zanki’s introduction text we emphasize:

“ The collaborative exhibition project between the Fine Artists Society (Društvo likovnih umetnikov) from Ljubljana and the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika), titled Text as an Object, takes as a starting point selected works from both artistic practices that illustrate, deconstruct, expand, and transform text into an image and an object. The selected works use various contemporary artistic media and practices, ranging from drawings and artist’s books to research methods. Text, as well as language, be it Slovenian or Croatian, represents, conceptualizes, and creates new meanings. (…)
The exhibition Text as an Object represents an international reciprocal collaboration that includes an exhibition of Slovenian and Croatian artists at the Extended Media Gallery in the Meštrović Pavilion (Home of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists) and a reciprocal exhibition at the Gallery of the Fine Artists Society in Ljubljana (in March and April 2024). The curator of the Slovenian part of the exhibition, Nadja Gnamuš, has selected works by the artists Nina Čelhar, Tanja Lažetić, and Aleksandra Saška Gruden, as well as works by the artists Boris Beja and Ištvan Išt Huzjan. The coordinator of the Croatian part of the exhibition, Josip Zanki, has selected works by the artists Zorana Unković, Mija Maraković, Mihaela Rašica, and Antonela Šurbek, as well as the artist Željko Beljan. Slovenian and Croatian artists raise questions about text and language through their works, playing with the content of the text, transforming text into an image or object, employing lettering and the art of writing as an image of text, or simply referring to a specific literary work in their pieces. Thus, a dialogue is opened directly within the text, or language, which is often the cause of conflict, whether in translation or interpretation. ”

Boris Beja, Željko Beljan, Nina Čelhar, Aleksandra Saška Gruden, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, Tanja Lažetić, Mia Maraković, Mihaela Rašica, Antonela Šurbek, Zorana Unković

Nadja Gnamuš, Josip Zanki

Galleries’ coordinators
Mihaela Zajec, Mojca Zlokarnik

The exhibition will be open from March 22 to April 7, 2024

Organizer: HDLU, DLUL
With the support of: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Mestna občina Ljubljana