Curator: Branka Benčić
Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
September 24– October 11, 2020
Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition SHE WAS UNAWARE OF HER BORDERS. / EGO IN HABITAT., by Petra Feroancová, will be opened in front of the Home of HDLU, on Thursday, September 24 at 7 pm in front of Home of HDLU.
“She Was Unawareof Her Borders (Ego In Habitat), the first solo exhibition of the notedSlovak artist Petra Feriancová in Zagreb is revealed as the artist’s contactwith the space of the Bačva gallery. By placing the works in dialogue with theexhibition space, Petra Feriancová points to the tensions between the space,the observer, and the observed. Her gesture is aimed at questioning spatialrelationships and interactions between objects and subjects, staging theperformative character of the exhibition and moving through space. (…)
(…) Petra Feriancová gathers objects and paintings that she exhibits as a kind of archeology of memory. She deals with, Petra points out, “surviving” objects and the aspiration of objects to expose a part of their own history. Through formal and sensual installations, he deals with objects, in relation to human life, their history, existence, duration, survival, fragility, emphasizing the atmosphere and evoking similar feelings in the viewer. In this way, the artist uses specific visual language to create spaces, memories, catastrophe atmospheres, archeological remains, abandoned humanism, and an encyclopedia formed in the space of experimentation between scientific, historical, and private view, potentiality and imagination, connecting intimate and universal.”
from preface, written by Branka Benčić
Petra Feriancová is a Slovak artist, writer and curator. She was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in 1977. In 2013, she represented Slovakia and the Czech Republic at the 55th Biennial of Venice. In 2011 she was a resident at ISCP, New York, US, and in 2010, she was awarded the Oskar Cepan Prize for young visual artists organised by the FCS Foundation for a Civil Society.
Selected solo exhibitions include:
Fabvlae, Villa D’Este,Tivoli, IT (2020); Lebenswelt, Significant Other, Vienna, AT (2019); Personale, Gilda Lavia, Rome, IT; Klaviatura, Viltin Gallery, Budapest, HU; I Am Losing My Beauty Together With My Interest in Beautiful Things, Baril, Cluj, RO; Becoming Animal, Tenderpixel, London, UK (all 2018); Systems, Individuals and Measuring Tools, Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona, SP; Survivals, Relicts, Souvenirs, Apoteka, Dignano, Croatia, HR; An Exhibition on Doubt, MAN_Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro, IT; (all 2016); Vulnerable, Yet Everlasting, Viltin Gallery, OFF Biennale Budapest, HU (2015); Things that Happen, and Things that are Done. On Beginnings and Matter, Fondazione Morra Greco, Naples, IT (2014); Still the Same Place, An Order of Things (with Zbynek Baladrán), Czech and Slovak Pavilion, Venice Biennale, IT (2013); A Study of the Secondary Plan, Dumb, The House Of Arts, Brno, CZ (2012); Postsriptum to Childe Harold’s Pilgrimge, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK (2011) and Theory of a City or the Possibilities of an A4, ISCP, New York, US (2011).
Supported by:
* Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
Wednesday – Friday: 11am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm
Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays (May 30): closed.
The exhibition will remain open until October 11, 2020
At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.