Bačva Gallery, Home of HDLU
May 28– June 14, 2020

Following all recommendations of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, exhibition Fragmented film, by Sandra Sterle, will be opened in front of the Home of HDLU, on Thursday, May 28 at 7 pm at the Bačva Gallery (Home of HDLU).

“Sandra Sterle comes with a project both subtle and invasive. She is in a process of reconstruction being aware of the fragile state of personal memory when chronologies fail, information overlap, emotions come through. She is working with the personal archive as well as questioning it underlining the beauty of post-documentation where facts and fiction combine. She is using memory and imagination at the same time making a statement that real stories of real lives are a product of our brains and our brains are dead if not seen from a dynamic perspective more related to Quantum physics than to still linearity. It is even more challenging to tell stories of others through our minds that filter information through various layers. The grandfather-granddaughter relationship is built on a contrast between emotional archiving and the cold, brutal public surveillance of the digital era. Observation can be a tool for oppression, control, pleasure, censorship but it can also be overturned in a counter-surveillance. The artist is deconstructing the very concept of surveillance, the hierarchical vision. Data storage is a fact by the capacity of monitoring and recording, but it is also fiction as it fails to perform ethically and to encompass and define humanity and its complex traits… Data storage is a tool that can be useful, but it doesn´t replace the memory of the animal brain. Sandra Sterle’s approach can be seen as poetic but it is the consequence of awareness in front of the intersection between personal memory and artificial memory. She chose working with both, mixing them and accepting imagination as the survival kit at all times.”

From preface, written by Olivia Nițiș




Sandra Sterle works across film, installation, interventions, photography, and performance. She is a professor at the Arts Academy in Split, Croatia. Graduated from the Department of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and continued her studies at Department of Film and Video at Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf, 1995-96 (Prof. Nan Hoover). Her works were exhibited and performed in a variety of contexts in places like Kunsthalle Fridericanum, Kassel; Museum Ludwig, Aachen; Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem; Gate Foundation, Amsterdam; W139 Gallery, Amsterdam; Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Instytut Sztuki Wyspa, Gdansk; Location 1 Gallery New York; Artist Space, New York. Her works are part of several public archives and collections of MMSU, Rijeka, Art Gallery, Split and private collections.


Olivia Nițiș is a curator and a researcher art historian within the Institute of Art History G. Oprescu of the Romanian Academy. She holds a Ph.D. in visual arts and is the author of Istorii marginale ale artei feminist (Marginal Histories of Feminist Art), Vellant, Bucharest, 2014. She is vice-president of the Experimental Project Association in Bucharest, organizer of the International Experimental Engraving Biennial, a member of the International Art Critics Association since 2009 and regional coordinator for The Feminist Art Project (Rutgers University, New Jersey) since 2008.
Projects she worked on include: Statement: I Advocate Feminism, ArtPoint, Kulturkontakt, Vienna, The Poetics of Politics, Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw, 2012, Good Girls. Memory, Desire, Power (together with Bojana Pejić), National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013, Circumstances Favorable to Natural Selection, Victoria Art Center within IEEB6, 2014-2015, MonuMental Histories, Gabroveni Arcub 2016, The Principle of Migration, New York Foundation for the Arts 2019.



Supported by:


*The exhibition was realized with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Culture, given to artist Sandra Sterle, as part of the promotion of the creation of visual artists for interdisciplinary artistic research: Revive Grandpa (Part One: Fragmented Film)



Wednesday – Friday: 11am – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 6pm

Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays (May 30): closed.

The exhibition will remain open until June 14, 2020



At the entrance to the Gallery there is a bottle with a disinfectant for visitors, which are obliged to disinfect their hands when entering the Gallery.
The security guard at the entrance to the Gallery will have a protective mask and gloves and control the number of visitors.
Visitors are required to maintain a distance of 2 meters.
Touching the exhibits is not allowed.
Doorknobs and any other surfaces that are frequently touched by visitors will be regularly disinfected.



Tuesday – Sunday: 9am – 12pm / 4pm – 8pm
Mondays and holidays closed.


Wednesday - Friday: 3pm - 8pm h Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 1pm h Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays closed

Home of HDLU
Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb, Map...

T + 385 (0) 1 46 11 818, 46 11 819 F + 385 (0) 1 45 76 831 E-mail: info@hdlu.hr

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