Paintings in space
Karas Gallery
March 20 – March 31, 2018
Opening of the exhibition: Tuesday, March 20 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery
Exhibition Paintings in space, by Mihael Puntarić will open on Tuesday, March 20 at 7pm at the Karas Gallery (Zvonimirova 58).
(…) In his most recent work of art, Mihael Puntarić has broken entirely free from all content, context, and even expression. In the true sense of minimal art, the author strives towards the affirmation of paintings as art objects by consciously aligning with the work of authors such as Malevič, Reinhardt or the artists gathered within New Tendencies, and their comprehension of art. In this case, Mihael Puntarić practices a highly material manner of painting, i.e. constructing an art object – one that rules out symbolic and referential dimensions of painting. (…)
(…) The deliberation of reductionism present in the work of Puntarić has enabled him to deconstruct the painting as an art object, thereby generating an extension of the established approach to displaying art. His Paintings in Space invite us to stop before the said paintings/objects while bringing into question the two dimensions of a painting and the three dimensions of a sculpture exhibited in the gallery space. (…) As interpreted by Puntarić, art is materialized through conscious and consistent reduction to its fundamental constituents. All the while, his distancing from emotion and from the risk of entrapment by pathos, aims to accomplish the exact opposite – the author’s attainment of the essential conclusions reached by his predecessors in order to explore the possibility, like the ones before him, to raise new questions in art about art.
(From catalogue preface, written by Petra Šlosel)
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Working hours:
Wednesday and Friday: 9am to 3pm | Thursday: 3pm to 7pm | Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 12am
Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays: closed.
The exhibition will remain open until March 31, 2018