Anton Franz Höger – BALANCE

Anton Franz Höger
January 17 – February 05, 2017
Ring Gallery


The Home of the Croatian Association of Artists have the honour to present the work of the famous German artist, painter Anton Franz Höger.

Formal opening of the exhibition BALANCE will be held on January 17, 2017, and the exhibition will stay open until February 5, 2017.

The exhibition will give an overview of Höger’s work from 2003 onwards, which includes highly valued works of art that have already been exhibited in prestigious galleries in Montreal, New York, Munich, Nuremberg and other cities.

This surprise for the local audience has been selected and curated by Željko Marciuš, and the exhibition is a result of cooperation between the Croatian Association of Artists and Henry Stag Art Management Production Company.

It will be set in the Ring Gallery, the largest gallery of the Croatian Association of Artists, which stretches over 700 m2 and thus provides enough space for more than 40 works created by this extraordinary artist.


Anton Franz Höger

Anton Franz Höger is a German painter born on October 30, 1956 in Munich. He is a member of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism, founded by five writers and painters, including Ernst Fuchs.

Although he graduated in the late 70s of the last century, he fully dedicated himself to painting only in 2000.  ”Vienna School“, Höger’s artistic origin, is characterized by unreal, dreamy motifs in opulent Mannerist style, elaborate techniques of the old Italian and Dutch masters.

Despite the admiration towards the artistic finesse of the old masters and eccentric and dynamic Baroque painting that can be seen as a natural basis of Höger’s art – or Malgeschichte – his paintings contain the essence of philosophical, and go beyond the ‘pure techniques’ of his painting style.

Modern artists, such as Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns or Sigmar Polke not only influenced his development, but were also partly interpreted in his work.

Höger’s work deals with social issues, such as the present position of women in the society, or the attempts at the destruction of man manifested by a low-quality TV programme. He also creates thematic corpuses, such as integration, participation and power of the media, as well as rewritings of history. Anton’s paintings are the mirror of our present existence.

Anton Höger’s work should be seen as a part of creative and indicative actualities of our time. In that sense, the deciding factor in his artistic creation full of imagination is not one’s own experience as a consumer of art, but the processes that depend on cognition, which are shown as the essence of truth in modern philosophy.

Höger’s works are exhibited in numerous cities; Montreal (Gora Gallery), New York (Agora Gallery, Chelsea), Munich (Störpunkt), Bamberg (Senger) and Nürnbergu (raum für zeitgenössische kunst), just to name a few.

He has received awards from several New York galleries and art manifestations; Biennale Florenz 2008, Kunstpreis Blau-Orange Coburg, Art Fair Köln, Art Stroke München, NordArt, etc.

Anton Frnz Höger – official web page

Anton Franz Höger – YouTube

Anton Franz Höger – Wikipedia



Wednesday to Friday: 11.00 AM – 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and holidays

Trg žrtava fašizma 16
10000 Zagreb