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December 22nd and 23rd 2012 at 7 pm.
Barrel Gallery
Trg žrtava fašizma bb
10 000 Zagreb
Performance by Valentina Lacmanovic
Soundtrack: Ranko Šajfar
Length: 45 min
Performance «From Zero to One» is inspired by the architecture and history of the Mestrović Pavilion.
It shows the process of dissolution of The Word (zero) and gives it the possibility to exist within a body, as organic movement. By dissolving the conflict of written and verbal communication, duality is dissolved(one).
Word becomes body when the verbal communication abandons
it’s meaning and becomes vibration.
Valentina Lacmanović studied at “Faculty of Philosophy” in Zagreb and obtained master in Philosophy at the “Université Paris VIII” while studying dramatic art at CNSAD (French National Academy of Dramatic
Arts) in Paris.
Since 1999 she has researched dances from different cultures through their ritual, folk, classic and contemporary aspects. Since 2005 she has worked intensively on creating performances inspired by dances of
trance and collaborates with artists from various disciplines. Valentina lives in Amsterdam.
Ranko Šajfar, composer and producer from Đakovo, works and
lives in Pula. He creates soundscapes and composes for theatres, multimedia performances, video and contemporary dance. In 2009 together with fundation “Casconi Vecchi” builds the recording studio “Inkubator”.