Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age
Predstavljanje projekta Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age održat će se 7. i 8. listopada u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti i Etnografskom muzeju, Zagreb u suradnji s European Alliance of Academies, Hrvatskim društvom likovnih umjetnika i Akademijom likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
U rujnu 2021. godine European Alliance of Academies objavio je otvoren poziv za sudjelovanje u projektu Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age. Odabiru je prethodio poziv za projekt na temu biopolitike, istraživanja relacija između vlasti i građana, poglavito u kontekstu (post)pandemijske krize. Žiri su činili: Liesbeth Bik (umjetnica, dekanica Akademie van Kunsten KNAW), Arnold Dreyblatt (umjetnik, kompozitor, glazbenik, član Akademie der Künste), Kristoffer Gansing (ravnatelj International Center for Knowledge in the Arts – The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts), Anca Poterasu (ravnateljica Romanian Association for contemporary Art), Cristina Stonescu (kustosica Romanian Association for Contemporary Art), Josip Zanki (umjetnik, dopredsjednik Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika) i Siegfried Zielinski (teoretičar medija, član Akademie der Künste).
Odabrani projekti i umjetnici su: Željko Beljan i Rebecca Merlić Zidnjaci, Iulian Bisericaru I PREFER THE OLD GREEN, María José Crespo A disturbing comfort, Larisa CrunțeanuNumb-Number, Luïza Luz The Privilege of Dreaming, Jovana Popić Controlling Future: Technologies of Resistance, Dimitrina Popova The 5 Houses, Anahita Razmi ILL/LOGISTICS, Cássio Deniz Santiago Syntax of Care, Karina Pino i Ricardo Sarmiento Mund auf. On the lives of migrant sex workers in Berlin.
Virtualna rezidencija trajala je od prosinca 2021. do svibnja 2022. godine. U ovome su periodu umjetnici stvarali nove radove koji će biti predstavljeni online na digitalnoj platformi LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe.
Program počinje u petak, 7. listopada u 16 sati video streamom umjetničkih projekata u Dvorani Gorgona Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti. U subotu, 8. listopada, od 13 do 15 sati održat će se panel-diskusija u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti (govornici: Luïza Luz, Liesbeth Bik, Leila Topić, Cristina Stonescu i Josip Zanki). Otvorenje izložbe Truth is a Forgotten Memory (Željko Beljan i Rebecca Merlić) zakazano je za 17 sati u Etnografskom muzeju, Zagreb. Predstavljanje projekta podržavaju Grad Zagreb i Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske.
Uz potporu:
Presentation of the project Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age will be held in Museum of Contemporary Art and Ethnographic Museum, Zagreb on 7th and 8th October in cooperation with European Alliance of Academies, Croatian Association of Fine Artists and Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb.
September 2021 European Alliance of Academies announced a open call for participation in the project Ignorance is Strength? Artistic Expression and Biopower in the Post/Pandemic Age. The selection was preceded by a call of projects on the topic of biopolitics, exploring the relation between governments and their citizens, especially in the context of the (post)pandemic crisis. The jury was composed up of Liesbeth Bik (artist, chair of the Akademie van Kunsten KNAW), Arnold Dreyblatt (artist, composer, musician, member of Akademie der Künste), Kristoffer Gansing (director of the International Center for Knowledge in the Arts – The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts), Anca Poterasu (director of the Romanian Association for contemporary Art), Cristina Stonescu (curator of the Romanian Association for Contemporary Art), Josip Zanki (artist, vice-president of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists) and Siegfried Zielinski (media theorist, member of the Akademie der Künste).
The selected artists and their projects are: Željko Beljan & Rebecca Merlić Zidnjaci, Iulian Bisericaru I PREFER THE OLD GREEN, María José Crespo A disturbing comfort, Larisa Crunțeanu Numb-Number, Luïza Luz The Privilege of Dreaming, Jovana Popić, Controlling Future: Technologies of Resistance, Dimitrina Popova The 5 Houses, Anahita Razmi ILL/LOGISTICS, Cássio Deniz Santiago Syntax of Care, Karina Pino & Ricardo Sarmiento Mund auf. On the lives of migrant sex workers in Berlin
The virtual residencies took place from December 2021 until May 2022. During this period, the artists created new works that will be presented online on the digital platform LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe.
The program will start on Friday, 7th Octobar at 4PM with art projects video stream in Gorgona Hall, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb. On Saturday, 8th, the panel discussion will take place also in Museum of Contemporary Art, from 1PM to 3PM (speakers: Luïza Luz, Liesbeth Bik, Leila Topić, Cristina Stonescu and Josip Zanki). The opening of exhibition Truth is a Forgotten Memory (Željko Beljan i Rebecca Merlić) will be at 5PM in the Ethnographic Museum. Presentation is supported by City of Zagreb and Ministry of Culture and Media of Republic of Croatia.
Zidnjaci, umjetna inteligencija i treba li uopće vjerovati robotima ( Mihaela Zajec i Josip Zanki)