Category: Catalogues

NOTICE ON THE RESULTS OF THE international, public, visual arts competition THE VICTIM OF VUKOVAR 1991


INVESTOR AND TENDERER of the competition is:

Ministry of Croatian Veterans’ Affairs, 1 Trg Nevenke Topalušić, 10 000 Zagreb,

OIB (PIN): 95131524528, Phone: 01/2308-833, 01/2308-524, Fax: 01/2308-894


Person responsible: Tomo Medved, Deputy Prime Minister and Veterans’ Affairs Minister


Institution in charge of ORGANISING and IMPLEMENTING the competition:

Croatian Association of Artists – HDLU (hereinafter: the Implementing Body), 16 Trg žrtava fašizma, 10 000 Zagreb,

OIB (PIN): 89246742324, Tel: 01/ 4611- 818


Person responsible je: Tomislav Buntak, President


TYPE OF COMPETITION: international, public, in the field of visual arts



The aim of the international visual arts competition The Victim of Vukovar 1991 is to establish a dialogue with contemporary art practices based on the culture of memory and symbolism of war suffering of the city of Vukovar and generate artworks that will be inscribed in collective memory. The competition was looking for four new works of art that had never been presented to the public.



In addition to the compliance of the works with the conditions of the competition (in terms of the content, deadlines and mandatory attachments), when evaluating the works, the Jury considered the following:

  • artistic excellence of the work;
  • research approach in the context of the culture of remembrance and symbolic value in commemorating historical trauma;
  • recognizability and clarity of the artistic expression and media poetics;
  • artist’s references.



  1. Branko Franceschi, art historian
  2. Kristijan Milić, film director
  3. Božica Dea Matasić, full professor of arts
  4. Tomislav Buntak, associate professor of arts
  5. Ana Holjevac Tuković, PhD in History
  6. Alen Novoselec, associate professor of arts
  7. Ivanka Bušić, mag.soc.



  1. Ruža Marić, Director of the Vukovar Municipal Museum



  1. A-létheia, sound spatial installation

Artists: Ida Blažičko and Alex Brajković


  1. Vukovar in Situ, photograph

Artist: Vjeran Hrpka


  1. Slušatelj (Listener), spatial installation

Artist: Vladimir Novak


  1. Fragmenti (Fragments), painting

Artist: Stjepan Šandrk



The competition works will be exhibited in the National and University Library,  4 Ul. Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice in Zagreb. The exhibition opening will be held on 17 November 2021.


/ crteži 2005./2006.

/ drawings 2005/2006


katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 19. 12. – 2006. – 31. 1. 2007.

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: HDLU, Galerija Prsten / Ring Gallery


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

80 stranica u boji / 80 pages in color



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU

Urednik / Editor: Fedor Džamonja

Tekst / Text: Darko Glavan

Oblikovanje / Design: Fedor Džamonja

Godina / Year: 2007.

ISBN 953-6508-33-8

Cijena / Price: 20 KN

Darko Fritz / archives in progress (projects 1987 – 2007)


katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 9. – 21. 10. 2007. (HDLU); 15. 1. – 3. 2. 2008. (MMSU)

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: HDLU, Galerija Prsten / Ring Gallery; MMSU, Rijeka


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

130 stranica u boji / 130 pages in color



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU, Zagreb; MMSU, Rijeka

Urednici / Editors: Darko Fritz

Tekstovi / Text: Goran Blagus, darko Fritz, Vladimir Gudac, Nataša Ilić, Silva Kalčić, Leonida Kovač, Eric Kluitenberg, Sandra Križić Roban, Joanne Richardson, Vesna Madžoski, Zvonko Maković, Tihomir Milovac, Susanna Paasonen, Goran Sergej pristaš, Inka Schube, Saša Vojković

Oblikovanje / Design: Darko Fritz

Godina / Year: 2008.

ISBN 987-953-6508-41-9

Cijena / Price: 30 kn

Ante Kuduz: ’50, ’60, ’70, ’80, ’90, ’00


katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 12. 7. – 19. 8. 2007.

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: Gliptoteka HAZU


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

158 stranice u boji / 158 pages in color



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU

Urednici / Editors: Marina Viculin, Igor Kuduz

Tekstovi / Texts: Simon Bogojević Narath, Tonko Maroević, Marina Viculin

Oblikovanje / Design: *pinhed – Igor Kuduz

Godina / Year: 2007.

ISBN 978-6508-39-6

Cijena / Price: 50 KN

Sven Stilinović:  fotokolaži 1974. – 2005.           


katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 2007.

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: HDLU, Galerija Prsten / Ring Gallery


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

62 stranice (24 stranice u boji) / 62 pages (24 pages in color)



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU, SCCA

Urednica / Editor: Janka Vukmir

Tekst / Text: Mladen Lučić

Oblikovanje / Design: *pinhed – Igor Kuduz

Godina / Year: 2007.

Cijena / Price: 20 KN

42. Zagrebački salon – vizualne umjetnosti

/ 42nd Zagreb salon – Visual Arts


katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 10. 5. – 3. 6. 2007.

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: HDLU


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

256 stranice u boji / 156 pages in color



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU

Urednik / Editor: Gordana Bralić

Tekstovi / Texts: Selection Jurry, Mladen Lučić

Oblikovanje / Design: Artifeks

Godina / Year: 2007.

ISBN 978-953-6508-37-2

Cijena / Price: prodano / sold out



katalog izložbe / exhibition catalogue

vrijeme izložbe / exhibition date: 29. 3. – 15. 4. 2007.

mjesto izložbe / exhibition place: Galerija Prsten / Ring Gallery


jezik / language: hrvatski, engleski / croatian, english

34 stranice u boji / 34 pages in color



Izdavač / Published by: HDLU

Urednica / Editor: Gordana Bralić

Tekst / Text: Gordana Bralić

Oblikovanje / Design: Roland Gambiroža

Godina / Year: 2007.

ISBN 978-953-6508-38-9

Cijena / Price: 10 KN